Welcome to the jungle

Selamat datang di blog IMUD, komunitas para penggemar turing roda dua di Balikpapan. Bebas tanpa ikatan namun lekat dalam persaudaraan. So, let's fire up the engine. Burn the wheels. Ride with pride and respect.

It's not about what you ride. It's not about what you wear. It's not about what you do. It's about BROTHERHOOD.

If you want to GO FAST, go alone.
If you want to GO FAR, GO TOGETHER
- Robin Jones Gunn -

Monday, 4 July 2011

IMUD Profile

Mau tahu profil lengkap IMUD? Ini dia penampakannya.....

Tino - 1st Coordinator...

Dodo - 2nd Coordinator 


Junaidi- biker Imud Sejati - 3rd Coordinator (up to now)

Yudi  - Road Racer

Suraji - New Red Vixion

  Adi Rohiman - Scorpio 225

 Syaiful - Arutmin, White Byson

                                                      Dedih Durahman - Red Pulsar

 Edy - Arutmin, Red Vixion

 Adam Sulanjana

 Ali Ridwan - The photograper


 Didi - Pulsar

 Bayu - Kawasaki Z250

 Rudi - Virang (Vixion Hirang)
 Wariyono - New Tiger 2000

 Sunarjadi - HMPC
 Widdi-Black Tiger

 Hapani-Tiger 2000



 Munir - the Dieharder





 Rudi Lesmana - the mechanic

 Aa Rudy Fitriadi - pindah ke BP Jakarta


 Wawan - Vixion

 Teguh - Classic Biker

 Sukoco - Vixion


 Tikno - Thunder 250 BTSC


 Yasak - juga di BP Jakarta

Untung Riyanto - Red Vixion

 IMUD kids

Nah..ini IMUD ladies....



 Bu Nur - dah pensiun

 Ade - Sang petualang


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